
20+ Free Tailwind CSS Blocks

Explore our collection of completely free blocks (MIT License) styled with Tailwind CSS for React websites and applications.

The blocks are fully coded and feature customizable and responsive components. The Figma designer file is included!

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Join Now Widget

Free Block

Use this well-structured, visually appealing widget that creates a user-friendly interface for showcasing events or announcements.

Line Chart

Free Block

Use this free chart example which is comparing two sets of data over time. The design is user-friendly and is perfect for an app or dashboard designed for monitoring financial performance.

Crypto Table

Free Block

This is an example of building a dynamic and responsive cryptocurrency market overview table in a React application, leveraging the capabilities of Next.js, ApexCharts, Material Tailwind, Heroicons, and deepmerge for a rich user interface and efficient data visualization.

Alert Modal

Free Block

Use this alert modal example which presents a message that prompts the user for confirmation before proceeding with an action that is irreversible. This type of modal is an example of a safeguard for user.

Basic Info Block

Free Block

The example below showcases an account settings section where a user can update their basic information. Each input field has a placeholder or dropdown menu that clearly indicates the information that needs to be entered.

Billing Information Block

Free Block

This block is designed to help users easily manage their billing contacts and information associated with different companies within one platform.

Simple Hero Example

Free Block

Use this free example of a hero section to capture leads.

Simple Grid Layout Arrangement

Free Block

Use this free testimonial block that features a header, a description, and quotes arranged in a grid layout. It includes logos along with the names and job titles of the people. The block is designed with a clean and minimalist approach, incorporating ample white space to prevent clutter.

Welcome Popup with CTA

Free Block

Use this Tailwind CSS popup example to welcome your website users with a message and guide them towards taking an action.

Simple Sign in Authentication

Free Block

Add this free and versatile Sign in block to your web app project to get started more easily.

Onboarding Welcome Block

Free Block

Add this block to your application's onboarding process to welcome users and introduce what will happen next.

Minimalist Navbar

Free Block

Use this free Tailwind CSS navbar, which includes 'About Us,' 'Pricing,' and 'Contact Us' pages, along with a CTA button, for a presentation website, or customize it for larger websites.

Contact with Map

Free Block

Use this structured contact block that offers a direct communication line through a form, alongside a pinpointed map location of the office.

Simple Team Block

Free Block

Showcase the company's employees with this free Tailwind CSS team block featuring photos, names, roles, and linked social media icons.

Footer with Page Links

Free Block

Try this free Tailwind CSS footer example that contains page links and a copyright notice.

Simple FAQ Block

Free Block

Use this static FAQ block to allow users to view the entire answer from the beginning.

Complex Features Block

Free Block

The free feature block displayed below consists of a heading and four cards that describe different product advantages. The feature cards include images, avatars, and company logos.

Default Stats Block

Free Block

In this statistics block example, the use of large, bold numbers immediately draws the eye, allowing for quick comprehension of key statistics.

Simple Blog Post Template

Free Block

Use this free block to showcase your blog articles. The Tailwind CSS template comes with cover image, categories, headline, and content.

Simple Card with CTA

Free Block

Try for free this versatile Tailwind CSS card with headline, category, content, and CTA.

Simple 404 Error with Icon

Free Block

Use this free Tailwind CSS error page to redirect the users on the website using the CTA button.

Maintenance Block with Icon

Free Block

Add this free maintenance block to your website to inform users that your site is under construction and will be back soon.

Blog Template with Image Filter

Free Block

Try this beautiful block example with headline, description, and three cards which include title, description, background image, and filter.

Logo Block with Cards

Free Block

Try this free simple example which contains cards with logo to build trust!

Simple Banner with CTA Button

Free Block

Use this free Tailwind CSS banner example to notify users about news, offers, or updates.

Simple Product Details Block

Free Block

Try this completely free product details section for your Tailwind CSS and React e-commerce project! It enables users to view the product's price, reviews, available colors, and add the product to the cart or favorites.

Product List Block

Free Block

Showcase the products from your e-commerce project using this free and stylish block example.

Customer Overview 1

Free Block

Use this horizontal customer overview section that comes with reviews accompanied by a star rating, the customer's name, and the date of the review, which adds to the credibility and recency of the feedback.

Pricing Block Example

Free Block

The free pricing block below presents three different subscription plans and it has a straightforward design helping potential customers to compare plans at a glance.

Want more?

Material Tailwind PRO Blocks

Unlock more blocks for Tailwind CSS and React with Material Tailwind PRO. Whether you're working on forms, navigation bars, or complex layouts, we've got you covered.

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Frequently Asked Questions

You'll find answers to common inquiries that will provide valuable insights into the features and functionality of Material Tailwind.

What is a Tailwind CSS Block?

A block or section is a part of the user interface that combines elements and components. They are used to build a web page faster by avoiding writing the code from scratch.

Can I use these blocks for free?

Yes, these blocks are totally free! They are under MIT license and you can use them as you would like for your web projects.

Can I customize these blocks?

Yes, you can customize the blocks to fit your project's needs.

How do I add these blocks to my application/website?

All you have to do is switch the block to the code mode, copy the code, and paste it into your React app or website.

Are there more Material Tailwind blocks available?

Sure, check out [object Object] our entire collection

How can I access the Figma file for these blocks?

We want to make your workflow even smoother, so we prepared a special [object Object] with all our free blocks, that you can find [object Object].

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